Submissions due: Monday 6 November 2023
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Questions for All Categories
Qualifying period for promotions undertaken – 1 November 2022 to 1 November 2023.
Entity - What is the name of the promoting body or bodies for this artwork? Please place comma between names if more than one. (Weighting: 0%)
Overview - Describe your town /region /destination and the importance of tourism to your local economy PLUS a give a description of the artwork. This is NOT scored but provides judges with important background information. (Max: 800 words / Weighting: 0%)
1. Your art
Explain what makes the art on your street/s unique and memorable. Tell judges the story about it.
(Max: 600 words / Weighting: 20%)
2. Promotion
What strategies, marketing channels and messages are used to attract visitors to the art / tour / festival? Why are they used? Are they successful? How do you know? (Max: 400 words/ Weighting: 15%)
3. Who visits?
Who are the visitors to the artwork / trail / tour / festival? Where do they mostly come from? What are the main age groups? When do they mostly visit? Where do they stay? How do you know? (Max: 400 words / Weighting: 15%)
4. What do they say?
What are visitors saying about your artwork / trail / festival / tour? How do you know? (Max: 400 words / Weighting: 15%)
5. Social and Economic benefits
What social and economic benefits has the artwork / trail / festival / tour brought to the local community since November 2022? How do you know? (Max: 400 words / Weighting: 15%)
6. Due diligence
You do not need to do anything for this section. This phase of the assessment looks at the visitor experience using publicly accessible channels, such as:
Review platforms and apps, like TripAdvisor and WikiCamps
Online resources, including directories and your website if you have one
Social media, such as Facebook and Instagram.
The assessment will include the detail and up-to-date nature of current information. (Max: 0 characters / Weighting: 10%)
7. Imagery
The images you provide that promote the artwork /trail /festival / tour are important in a tourism setting. Therefore, they will be assessed for their clarity, lighting and composition, which includes a level horizon, no irrelevant elements in the foreground or background, and angle. (Max: 0 characters / Weighting: 10%)

Administration Fees and Discounts
In this crazy world it is great to know that some things stay the same!
The administration fee remains unchanged from 2022.
Administration fee: $349 + gst
EOFY Special*:
Two for one – register and pay before COB 30 June 2023
Receive two entries for $349 + gst
You’ll still have until 6 November to complete your submission!
Early Bird Special*:
Simply register and pay before COB Friday 29 September 2023 to receive 25% off
You’ll still have until 6 November to complete your submission!
Multiple entries*
Three nominations or more save 10%
* Cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount offer